16 Days of Activism

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16 Days of Activism to Prevent GBV

What is #16Days? November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, until December 10th, International Human Rights Day are the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, an international campaign with over 5,167 participating organizations from more than 187 countries, with activities to raise awareness about GBV and advocate for elimination. SISWACHI and Arewametoo all over the northern states are commemorating 16 Days. we are activists to end GBV.


In Bauchi state, SISWACHI and partners are Preventing and responding to GBV as an integral part of Their commitment to end Gender Based Violence, we are planning a standstill rally on the 25 of NOV 2019. To get the attention of the State assembly on sexual gender based violence (SGBV)in Nothern Nigeria. Our target is to have 1000 pple across Nigeria to stand for 3 hrs at the same time to stand against the prevalence of SGBV in Nigeria. The Violence against persons prohibition act closes loopholes we have in our current rape laws of the penal and criminal code. The VAPP was passed by the National Assembly but it needs to be domesticated in all states the state assemblies for it to be in effect. As it stands, only kaduna and Benue states have domesticated the VAPP. Please stand in solidarity with anyone who has been abused in Nigeria.

Raising Awareness

We base our advocacy and awareness raising on the evidence of GBV’s prevalence, the harms it causes, and solutions that work. We know GBV is based in power inequalities, and lack of alternatives for people.  We also know that it can be stopped.

Breaking the Silence

A key part of activism on GBV is learning to break the silence around violence. People need to know what GBV is and how to talk about it in order to be activists.

Reaching Across Religions

People of all faiths are against  GBV. Involving key religious leaders in the sensitization process. Create awareness on effects of child marriage. Discussion about  experiences of religion and Child Marriage will also take place.

Working With Men and Boys

Men and boys are critically affected by GBV, both as survivors and as acting out rigid ideas of what it means to be a man.  These impacts reach beyond men and boys to families and communities.  We work with men and boys as champions and allies to end GBV.

Starting Young

The power inequalities the lead to GBV, and the social acceptance of violence start early in life.  We know that violence has important impacts on children and teenagers, and can influence their behavior as adults.  Working with young people to stop violence leads to a less violent future. School visits and getting the young ones involved. 

Campaigning for Change

Stopping GBV requires broad changes across society, so we aim to engage everybody. SISWACHI is planning on producing videos to air on Local television stations  as a part of it’s “Say NO to violence against women” campaign.  CARE USA has petitions to support ending violence against women.

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